

  1. Send £10 Payment to confirm your attendance
  2. If you want to have the buffet meal on Saturday evening you can pay an additional £10 for that when making the transfer, so £20 total. (Buffet is £15, but £5 is paid from the booking fee.)
  3. Provide your contact details (email address) via the CONTACT form

Booking confirms your attendance at the rally, which facilitates planning of the event particularly knowing how many tent pitches we need on the site: other people will be camping at the venue – the site isn’t exclusive for the rally. The ticket money will be used for rally badges/stickers and other participant benefits: it’s not for event profit or organising costs.
NB the £10 booking fee does not pay the camping pitch fee – but when you transfer the £10 to book for the event please contact me (use Contact form) to say if you want a camping pitch or if you will be arranging off-site accommodation. There will be group buffet on Saturday evening. This costs £15, £5 of which will come from the booking fee. If you do not want the buffet let me know to have the £5 refunded.

Paying for campsite pitch or other accommodation

You will pay The Shepherd’s Rest directly for your camping pitch when you attend the event. The cost of three nights will be £20. You don’t need to book online, I will reserve space for the group – which is why the Booking Ticket is important. If you want non-camping accommodation off-site, you need to arrange that yourself. There are some suggestions > here.

Transfer booking fee to Rally Account, details below

An Ulster Rally bank account (in my name) has been created solely for this event-booking purpose, account details below. After £10 transfer is received in the account a numbered ticket / receipt will be emailed to you.

Account details for £10 transfer
or £20 to include Saturday buffet

Online Bank



David Boyd

Account Number


Sort Code


Bank Address

Revolut Ltd
7 Westferry Circus
E14 4HD